» Youth Peer-to-Peer Support Program


Youth Peer-to-Peer Support Program

About this Workstream

The Youth Peer-to-Peer Support Program is an innovative collaboration between the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) and The Children’s Partnership (TCP), awarding $8 million in grants to initiate peer-to-peer support programs in up to eight high schools across diverse Californian communities. This pilot initiative focuses on grades 9-12, aiming to establish and standardize best practices for peer-to-peer mental and behavioral health support systems within the school environment. Peer support in California high schools is a key strategy for promoting mental health resilience and well-being among adolescents. By embedding these supportive structures in the educational system it lays the groundwork for statewide peer-to-peer mental health strategies, enhancing empathy, resilience, and solidarity among youth. 

Managed by

  • DHCS

Strategic Area

Behavioral Health Ecosystem Infrastructure

Workforce Training and Capacity


$10 million



Workstream Goals

Define best practices and develop statewide standards for peer-to-peer support programs.

Increase equity and diversity while promoting peer-to-peer supports for youth.

Key Achievements

Request for Proposals released by TCP in January 2024

Executed a contract with TCP, who convened an advisory board to inform the design of the peer-to-peer California High School Pilot program and issued a Request for Proposals to identify high schools for the High School Youth Peer-To-Peer Demonstration Pilot.

Hosted six listening sessions to engage children and youth.

Convened an advisory panel to inform grant design.

Executed subcontract with Youth Leadership Institute for youth outreach.


December 2023 - April 2024

TCP will distribute grants to eight high schools to conduct peer-to-peer support programs.

Summer 2023

TCP convened an advisory panel to inform grant design.