» CalHOPE Student Support and Schools Initiative


CalHOPE Student Support and Schools Initiative

About this Workstream

CalHOPE Student Support provides training to teachers and school staff, utilizing existing educational Communities of Practice to effectively provide counseling through social-emotional learning (SEL) environments. This youth-centered initiative enables California’s schools to support proactive and early intervention and to collectively respond to the social, emotional and mental health needs of students, families and educators. Supported by strong partnerships and leveraging California’s existing support network, leaders from all 58 County Offices of Education (COEs) are participating in statewide SEL Communities of Practice, which aim to build leadership to strengthen SEL in schools across the state. To learn more about CalHOPE SEL Community of Practice, visit the learning hub at CalHOPEsel.org.

The CalHOPE Schools Initiative provides additional support materials, such as curriculum, teacher guides, classroom materials, resource page, forums for educators, parents and youth, and mini professional development modules, including three powerful evidence-based resources: A Trusted Space: Redirecting Grief to Growth, Angst: Building Resilience and Stories of Hope. Stress, trauma, anxiety and other challenges can significantly impact mental health, and these no-cost resources offer opportunities for schools and school sites to support relationships, build resilience, and provide inspiration and support for students, educators, and families. To learn more about these tools and to register to use them in your school community, visit CalHOPEschools.org.

Managed by

  • DHCS

Strategic Area

Behavioral Health Ecosystem Infrastructure

Workforce Training and Capacity


$45 million



Workstream Goals

Build a shared understanding and foundation for SEL environments in schools across the state.

Build a statewide network and infrastructure that allows COEs to share best practices and build collective capacity (building the capacity of our capacity builders).

Create, vet and share high-quality resources and tools.

Model structures and activities that COEs can turn-key for local SEL Communities of Practice.

Showcase successful SEL efforts in COEs, districts, and schools. 

Help educators, students, and families recognize the impact stress, trauma, anxiety and other challenges have on our mental health and how, together, we can strategically employ the necessary coping skills to create resilience within ourselves and within our community.

Spark conversations about mental health that lend support and ease the stigma of asking for help, assistance, and guidance.

Help school communities, educators, students and families develop trusted spaces and relationships to navigate a path forward with greater hope and peace.

Build a community of educators, staff, parents and volunteers committed to creating a safe and supportive environment for youth where they feel seen, heard and supported.

Key Achievements

Provided support and training to educators representing all 58 COEs.

6,000+ educators and school staff participated in monthly Community of Practice virtual and in-person sessions.

500+ educators were enrolled in the SEL foundations course.

70% of counties reported successful efforts to deliver resources, trainings and technical assistance to district/school staff.

Increased partnerships among county leaders through the CalHOPE statewide community of practice and within regional districts/schools.

Enabled counties to serve their local communities, for example:

  • Alameda – hosted ~1000-person Community School Summit.
  • Tuolumne – hosted ~400-person event for parents (Not My Kid: Mental Health Tools Every Parent Needs).
  • San Diego – helped organize ~100-person Mental Health Leadership Exchange. event, which was put on by highschoolers, for highschoolers.

Delivered resources such as A Trusted Space: Redirecting Grief to Growth, Angst: Building Resilience, and Stories of Hope to districts and schools – focusing on enabling SEL.


July 2022 - June 2024

Continued implementation of CalHOPE Student Support.

January - June 2024

Promotion of video / co-curricular tools for schools.

January - June 2022

DHCS executed contracts with Sacramento COE and youth-led organizations to launch statewide Communities of Practice.