» Broad Behavioral Health Workforce Capacity


Broad Behavioral Health Workforce Capacity

About this Workstream

 The CYBHI’s Broad Behavioral Health Workforce Capacity efforts seek to improve young people’s access to high-quality behavioral health services. This is accomplished by building and expanding a culturally and linguistically competent workforce through education and training. Through investments in scholarships, loan repayments, recruitment and expansive training, the CYBHI initiative helps fill professional gaps while creating a workforce that can better understand and serve the needs of California’s children, youth, and families.

Managed by

  • HCAI

Strategic Area

Workforce Training and Capacity


$426.75 million



Workstream Goals

Establish earn-and-learn models and training for the workforce that serves justice- and system-involved youth, building the behavioral health workforce pipeline and increasing the diversity and the overall number of behavioral health providers serving children and youth.

Improve access to and quality of behavioral health services by increasing the number of behavioral health professionals and evolving their training to better meet children and youth needs.

Key Achievements

  • Peer Personnel Specialist Workforce: In July 2022, the Peer Personnel Training and Placement Program awarded $9.5 million in CYBHI funds. This CYBHI funding supports organizations that are projected to recruit, train, certify, and place over 5,800 new peer personnel specialists in the behavioral health system. 

  • Scholarship and Loan Repayment Programs: Between August 2022 and January 2023, HCAI distributed $42.15 million for scholarship and loan repayment awards to increase the number of behavioral health professionals providing direct care in California’s health professional shortage areas.

  • Behavioral Health Career Pipeline: In September 2022, HCAI awarded more than $40 million in Health Professions Pathway Program (HPPP) grants ($23 million funded through the CYBHI), to support efforts such as career pipeline programs, summer internships for undergraduates and post undergraduate fellowships for students from underrepresented regions and backgrounds who are interested in behavioral health careers.

  • Behavioral Health Career Pipeline: In September 2022, HCAI awarded more than $40 million in Health Professions Pathway Program (HPPP) grants ($23 million funded through the CYBHI), to support efforts such as career pipeline programs, summer internships for undergraduates and post undergraduate fellowships for students from underrepresented regions and backgrounds who are interested in behavioral health careers.

  • Psychiatric Education Capacity Expansion (PECE): In October 2022, HCAI awarded $37.6 million in funding for 15 organizations to support psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner training programs and psychiatry residency programs.

  • Social Work Education Capacity Expansion (SWECE): In February 2023, HCAI announced $59.4 million in grant awards to establish a new Bachelor of Arts in Social Work and Bachelor of Social Work in seven institutions and establish or expand Master of Social Work programs in 23 education institutions throughout the state.

  • Community-Based Organization (CBO) Behavioral Health Workforce Program: In March 2023, HCAI awarded $109 million to support 134 community-based organizations in recruiting and retaining behavioral health personnel and providing loan repayments, scholarships, and stipends to CBO behavioral health staff.

  • Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Workforce: In May 2023, HCAI awarded over $23 million in SUD Earn and Learn grants to six organizations that will provide education and paid job experience for 475 SUD counselors.

  • SUD and Justice and System Involved Youth (JSIY): In 2024, HCAI awarded $9 million for training youth-serving workforce in behavioral health literacy. In addition, HCAI awarded $9 million to support wrap-around services for youth seeking behavioral health careers.


Training for Non-Clinical Staff in Youth-Serving Organizations

January Execute multi-year training contract.

Substance Use Disorder Justice, System-Involved Youth (SUD/JSIY) Training Request for Information

March 2023: Application cycle closed.

Peer Personnel Training and Placement Grant Program

  • July 2022: Awardees for FY 2022-23 announced.
  • March 2023: Application cycle closed.
  • June 2023: Awardees announced.
  • January 2024: Launch of new application cycle. 
  • March 2024: Application cycle closes.

Substance Use Disorder Earn and Learn Grant Program

  • May 2023: Awardees announced.

Community-Based Organization (CBO) Behavioral Health Workforce Program Grant

  • March 2023: Awardees announced.

Social Work Education Capacity Expansion (SWECE) Grant Program

  • February 2023: Cycle 1 awardees announced.
  • February 2024: Launch Cycle 2 application.

Health Professions Pathway Program (HPPP) Grant Program

  • September 2022: Cycle 1 awardees announced.
  • August 2023: Cycle 2 application opened.
  • October 2023: Cycle 2 closed.

Steven M. Thompson Physician Corps Loan Repayment Program

  • May 2022: Application cycle opened. 
  • October 2022: Application cycle closed.  
  • January 2023: Awardees announced.  
  • May 2023: Application cycle opened.
  • September 2023: Awardees announced.

Licensed Mental Health Services Provider Education Program

  • May 2022: Application cycle opened. 
  • October 2022: Application cycle closed.  
  • January 2023: Awardees announced.  
  • May 2024: Next application cycle opens.

Allied Healthcare Scholarship Program

  • May 2022: Application cycle opened. 
  • October 2022: Application cycle closed.  
  • January 2023: Awardees announced.

Advanced Practice Healthcare Scholarship Program

  • May 2022: Application cycle opened. 
  • October 2022: Application cycle closed.  
  • January 2023: Awardees announced.

Behavioral Health Scholarship Program

  • May 2023: Application cycle opened.
  • December 2023: Awardees announced.
  • April 2024: The next application cycle opens.

California State Loan Repayment Program (SLRP)

  • July 2022: Application cycle opened. 
  • January 2023: Awardees announced. 
  • July 2023: Application Cycle Opened.

Psychiatric Education Capacity Expansion (PECE) Grant Program

  • October 2022: Cycle 2 awardees announced.
  • February 2024: Launch of Cycle 3 application.